Thursday, March 7, 2019

Lose Fat Gain Muscle Endomorph

Endomorph - naturally heavy and has an easy time gaining weight (more so fat than muscle) and a hard time losing it. if an endomorph was to follow the same "hardgainer" diet that is prescribed to an ectomorph they would definitely gain weight, but it would be a lot of fat.. While anything eaten in excess is likely to lead to fat gain, a diet higher in protein is less likely to be stored as body fat than a diet high in carbs or fat. moderate carbs with higher protein will help prevent the muscle loss that occurs when lowering calories to lose weight.. For endomorphs to gain weight it must be precise, slow and steady. if weight gain is too rapid then it will probably be fat and if too slow then it will be stunting your muscle growth. remember that body weight changes not only with fat gain but with muscle gain also..

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Some people would kill to be classified as an endomorph. endomorphs put on weight easy. for gaining muscle this sounds like a blessing but unfortunately weight gain, in this case, leads to the excessive accumulation of body fat, particularly around the midsection. unless you take the proper action, that is.. Endomorphs are individuals who are naturally heavier and have wide frames with shorter limbs. their bodies are actually programmed to maintain a higher weight than other people. making it easier to gain weight and harder to lose it. if this sounds like you then you probably have the endomorph body type and you�ve come to the right place.. Endomorphs are characterized by round bodies, a high percentage of body fat, and a slow metabolism which results in weight gain even when diverging only a little from a clean food diet. all of this makes it extremely hard for endomorphs to lose the excess weight and maintain a normal weight, which leads to constant frustration and temptations.

lose fat gain muscle endomorph

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